Inspired by the warming weather and our new challenge of becoming locavores we decided to try our hand at starting our own window garden. We have no outdoor space where we currently live, but we do have large windows with decent light. We bought the book Grow Great Grub: Organic Food from Small Spaces by Gayla Trail and have used it as our instruction manual. It has a lot of great information and once we move to a place with a balcony hopefully we will be able to expand what we can grow. Gayla also has a great blog with plenty of information on getting your own garden started.
We started by planting a variety of sprouts to be added to sandwhiches, salads and soups for seasoning. The sprouts: sunflower, broccoli, radish, onion, black seeded simpson lettuce, spinach, mustard and beet. For our herb garden we are trying tarragon, oregano, thyme, basil, cilantro, rosemary, sage and parsley. We also planted a couple lettuce heads, green onions, jalapeno and sweet banana peppers to grow fully.
So far, most have sprouted and are looking lovely. I can't wait for the herbs to grow in so I can start using them to cook with! I'm not too sure how the lettuce, peppers or green onions are going to hold up, but we will see.
More pics after the jump

Here John is putting the seeds we plan to use for sprouts in water in order to help the germination process go faster.

The space.

DIY watering can! We just used a nail and hammer to make several holes in a 28 oz tomato can. Paired with a whole can...viola, a free watering can that doesn't drown the plants.

Week 1: Sprouts popping up to say hello!

Week 2: Cilantro and Basil

Week 2: Sprouts!

Our lettuce heads...I believe we need to thin these out at this point.
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